Yeah, maybe I’m weird.
I like steampunk furniture.If I had the money, my kitchen would be steampunked. 🙂 Of course, most people would go “WTF is THAT?” but to me, it just looks super cool.I mean… wow.And how about this for a fridge?Table?Not everyone’s cup of cha, but seriously, those are just so cool.Maybe I should just try and […]

Good grief, it’s been a while…
Okay… it’s been a LONG while.2022 was… yeah. First we drowned, then we roasted, then we froze.2023 so far… is crap. Major and absolute CRAP.January was freezing cold. Guests booked and then cancelled due to weather, strikes and all sorts.And because that wasn’t enough of a crappy start — it got worse.I got a message […]

Yeah, I dare.
I’m no eco-warrior. I’m concerned for the environment, sure. I’m doing what I can to reduce my impact on it, sure. I appreciate tips and solutions to make things better, sure. Turns out a lot of the stuff I’m advised to do… is what I’ve always done. So when some brat starts yelling “How dare […]

I got creative. Kinda.
Yeah well. I started the Bujo. Again. But this time I’m making pretty calendars, because the weather has been… yuck. Basically. I did an October one and then thought that page looked very bland and boring. Something had to be done. So I did a…thing. And since that thing turned out ok, I did another […]