I collect Breyer Horses
I collect Breyer Horses
Okay, Pavo Real is not a Breyer, nor is El Vuelo (Linda York), but they are my Holy Grail.
So yes, I collect Breyers.
Not all of them, but some of them. And yes, I collect foals.
Since I keep tripping over some I like, and then forget which ones I liked… I figured I’ll put up a “Wish List”.
So here they are:

Pavo Real by Carlee Balling

El Vuelo by Linda York (Traditional)
Okay, Pavo Real is not a Breyer, nor is El Vuelo (Linda York), but they are my Holy Grail.
So yes, I collect Breyers.
Not all of them, but some of them. And yes, I collect foals.
Since I keep tripping over some I like, and then forget which ones I liked… I figured I’ll put up a “Wish List”.
So here they are:
Scratching Foal (Classic)
John Henry (Traditional)
Classic Arabian Family (Classic)
Secretariat (Traditional)
Haflinger Foal (Pet Groomer Set) (Classic) (GOT!)
Wyatt – Babyflow (Classic)
Amber ~ Leah\’s Fancy (Classic) GOT!
My Dream Horse Customizing Kit (Classic)
Susecion & Le Fire (Classic) (Got!)
Polo Pony (Classic)
Fun Foal Gift Set (Classic)
Mustang Foal & Andalusian Foal
Cloud\’s Legend (Classic)
Rearing Stallion, American Quarter Horse Foal, Warmblood Foal, Morgan Foal
Cadell (Traditional)
Marwari (Traditional)
Thoroughbred Mare and Suckling Foal (Traditional)
Huckleberry Bey (Traditional) (GOT! x2)
Thoroughbred & Hackney Horse Foals Set – 9198 (Traditional)
I\’m hunting down a few of them at the moment, but some of them I own / used to own. I know that \”Pacer\” has been found in a box in Germany. I believe there is a QH Yearling in there too, and possibly 3 other Breyers — including the Arabian family.
So there\’s a few I still have to make sure I\’m not duplicating, so I\’m holding off on those atm.
Either way, I\’ve decided to collect the foals. Classic and Traditional only, no Stablemates. (Although I have some of those, too.)
I managed to get a Huckleberry Bey, but he has a \”foot problem\” — as in, the pin broke off inside. So I have to figure something out to make him stand up.
Hey… I might just make a magnetic base for him. 🙂